Unfortunately, we are unable to cancel your order, even if it has not yet been shipped. Once you place your order, it begins to go through our automated system to provide you the fastest method for receiving your order.
We apologize for any inconvenience and hope that in the majority of cases our fast processing works to your advantage.
The most common reason why customers do not receive an order confirmation is because an incorrect e-mail address has been entered or the confirmation e-mail has been caught in a junk mail filter. Please make sure that you have correctly entered you e-mail address and check that the e-mail hasn't been incorrectly caught in your junk mail. Please contact Customer Service if you need a confirmation e-mail to be re-sent.
Available sizes will show in black numbers, sold out/unavailable sizes are shown in grey (these cannot be selected).
Upon placement, all our orders are automatically checked for possible credit card fraud. If your order has been flagged, it will be placed on hold until one of our customer service representatives is able to review and approve your order.
Possible reasons include:
To prevent any further delays in processing and shipping your order, be sure to double-check your order details. If you notice anything wrong, get in touch with us as soon as possible!